Learn Online Poker Strategies

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Question 3: How can I learn good poker strategy? Rather than attempt to master the game on our own, it’s recommended to make use of the wealth of poker material available online. Training sites, training videos, strategy articles, forums and private coaching are all excellent ways to learn high-level poker strategy. In an earlier section, you learned how a game of Limit Texas Holdem is played. One thing is to play poker but another thing is to be able to play poker skillfully, which requires a command of the game and a well-developed strategy. We will describe a table of 10 players for our advice as a starting point.

Early Stages

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With most MTTs, you will start with a huge stack compared to the blinds. You may start out with 10,000 chips and the blinds at 25/50, making your stack 200 big blinds. That can be a large stack to manage if you're used to Sit 'n Gos or micro-stakes cash games.

With the big stack-to-blinds ratio, it's important to play tight early on. More confident players will start MTTs the way they finish them: like a juggernaut. They will raise the majority of pots, steal blinds when they can, and very slowly build a stack. They might go through a lot of swings too, however, with their stacks fluctuating from chip leader to shortie.

Try to avoid the style: sticking to a tight, no-nonsense strategy early on is key. That means playing solid hands in good positions. When in Early Position (EP, seats 2-5), Middle Position (MP, seats 6-8) or Late Position (LP, seats 9-10), stick to big pairs like Q-Q, K-K and A-A. In LP, you can also raise unraised pots with K-Q, Q-J, J-10 suited etc. or even throw in some medium pairs like 8-8 or 9-9.

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In the early and middle positions consider just calling with small and medium pairs like 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 and 7-7, and you can comfortably raise in all positions with A-K.

Learn Online Poker Strategies For Beginners

As for raises, a raise of 2.5-3x the big blind is standard so as not to scare off too many opponents but also to attract at least one call.

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Strategy Guide for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Players

Beginners – We all start somewhere right? The beginner section below outlines many of the basic concepts and fundamentals beginners should learn first before moving to any of the advanced topics. If you’ve never played a single game of poker, we suggest you check our poker rules guide which provides instructions to each of the games supported in our articles. Once you’ve learned the overall structure, you can begin reading a few of our key articles for beginners, such as Essential Skills, Bluffing and Introduction to Razz Poker.

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Intermediate – Intermediate players are somewhere in between the beginner and the advanced. Not exactly a losing player but not a winning player either. If you’re the type who “breaks even” more than anything, the Intermediate section may be the perfect spot for you. This area covers some of the more utilized skills such as pot odds, implied odds and even how to play from different streets in draw games.

Advanced – Advanced players have the basics and intermediate skills down to a science. Normally they are winning players and if this happens to be you, we have a number of articles which may help in further developing or fine tuning a few of the areas you’re working on.